August 19, 2012

Too Much

I was updating some projects on my Ravelry Project Page this morning and noticed it says I have 73 projects. Wow, I hadn't realized I'd done that much. But then I really looked at the projects, broke it down to finished, WIPs, hibernating and frogged, and you know what, turns out I haven't done that much after all. Only 39 projects were actually finished. Three were frogged and seven hibernating. The rest, 24, are WIPs. And not all my WIPs are posted. Now, I've never been a monogamous knitter or spinner, but that's just too much. No wonder I don't seem to get anywhere.

Soooo, this morning I picked two spinning and two knitting projects to concentrate on, at least one of each has too be 85% or more complete. Why two each and why not all almost complete? Well, mainly because the newer or less complete projects tend to be smaller and I can just pop them in my bag when I leave the house. Save the bigger stuff for at home.

For knitting, I chose the Ohio Star Pillowcover which only needs edging/seaming and a decision on how it will be closed. I'm not happy with the seaming I'd started so I need to rip back and redo. The new seam/edging will be applied I-cord. The second knitting project is the first pair of socks I grabbed from the pile (which happens to be one of the projects not yet on Ravelry). Maroon and yellow stripped socks in sock yarn from Three Ewes Twisted in Fiber.

For spinning, I will be concentrating on finishing spinning the last two (of eight) mini-braids of the Wensleydale top in the Rasputin colorway. And also processing and spinning "Tex", what I call the Texel/Border Leicester/Coopworth/Corriedale/Finn crossbreed fleece - my SPAKAL project. Tex is about 90% done with only about six ounces left to scour

I started with Tex this morning:
Tex last bit

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