Today was even worse but I managed a little plying before it got too difficult. This is as far as I've gotten plying the cotton: one small skein done, one in progress.

I will finish plying the leftover singles on the bobbin, probably tomorrow.
And I will decide what's up next: camel down, yak/merino (50/50), bamboo or cashmere I'm leaning toward the yak/merino fiber, I think. Camel down and cashmere should be really short stapled fibers similar to the cotton, and the bamboo would be like the silk in the alpaca silk. All too much "been there, done that" for me right now. So I guess I just talked myself into the yak/merino. (There's a bad pun in there I think...talking into...yak, yak yak...but my gray cells have left the building, so, never mind)
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DVDs, etc: Veronica Mars S1;
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