10 Mile Goal was to knit, crochet or spin (singles) totaling ten miles or 17,600 yards. In actuality, I spun 28,565 yds of singles, and knit/crocheted 3,752 yds of yarn for a total of 32,317 yds. That's almost double my goal. Of course, I also bought over twenty pounds of fleece/fiber & yarn which negated any good surpassing my Goal might've done. Oh well.
End of Year WIPs, SWIPs, and UFOs:
WIPs/SWIPs: Autumn Walk socks, Owlie Socks, Spinning Itty Bitty Bits,
UFOs (haven't been touched in at least 3 months): BBS, Hexipuff Baby Blanket, Preemie Hats, Charlotte Bronte shawl, blue sweater, Spinning Promise, Spinning Friesian x, Dragon, washcloths, Margarethe Shawl. And there's also the projects I planned or gathered materials for but never actually started like the Thrummed Mittens and the Quilt Blocks Sampler Afghan.
That's a lot of open projects, but lest I get discouraged and think I've accomplished nothing, I added up my FOs for the year on my Ravelry Project Page, and there were 23 projects completed. Some, like the Tour de Fleece contained multiple FOs within one project.
Geek Patrol
The latest round of badges from Hogwarts at Ravelry:

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