On My Needles/Hooks:
The Blue Yoke Sweater has been languishing on my needles for eight years, maybe more. If I remember correctly, I started it when Mom was in rehab for compression fractures of the spine as something for me to work on while I sat with her. I got as far as about two inches into the yoke and then stopped, reason unknown.

I'd kept some very spare notes on a little slip of paper which were just enough for me to continue without having to do any major recounting or head scratching. I am truly surprised that little bit of paper survived. If it hadn't, I might've been tempted to frog it instead of finishing it, but finish it I shall. I'm currently up to the collar ribbing, so almost done.
I found a ball of unlabeled yarn with very nice colors and decided to use it for Mom's mitts. I think it's dk or light worsted weight acrylic or an acrylic blend, and not the softest (although it is squishy), but it's the colors that caught my eye. See:

I cast on the other day using measurements from memory: an eight inch wrist and nine inch circumference hand, but stopped at the wrist. It just didn't jive with what my head sees for her hand now. So I remeasured Tuesday night and, wow, good thing I did. Wrist is now six inches, hand eight and a half. Frogged and immediately recast on with new numbers. It's a plain, simple, afterthought thumb mitt and is working up quickly.
On My Spindles/Wheel:
The Knit Girllls "Expand Your Horizons" January fiber is Southdown, and I just happen to have a wee bit of Babydoll Southdown in stash. In fact I have all of this year's EYH fiber in stash, so yay!
Babydoll Southdown was something I tried a few years ago for the Wool Breeds Challenge and wasn't too thrilled with. I believe I found it surprisingly difficult to spin, but I can't find my notes (if I even made any) so don't remember what the specific problem was. It might've been that this fiber begs for longdraw and I wasn't that experienced with it yet, or it might've been something else.
Either way, I finally got around to trying it again on Tuesday. The part of the roving that was still intact in the 'skein' was fairly easy to spin (longdraw of course). The pieces I'd pulled off to try previously were much fussier and difficult. But I persevered and have this bobbin of singles (40gr) to ply, when I decide how many plies I want.

Tuesday was the first day I'd spun in what seems like ages, and it felt really good. So after spinning the Babydoll I immediately switched out the bobbins and started on the Fiber Optic merino/silk fiber for the The Knit Girllls other SAL. It's lovely colors and spinning quite smoothly. I'm spinning smoothed semi-worsted from end to end and will chain ply to maintain the color gradient.

There are some other small items I have going on various spindles for Spinning Itty Bitty Bits project, but they're so small I'm saving details and pictures for the January FO post.
Brought To Me By: Crafting accomplished with the following audio/video accompaniment:
DVDs etc: Castle S4; The Backup Plan; The Incredible Journey of Mary Bryant;
Pod/VideoCasts: The Knitmore Girls; Round The Twist; The Knit Girllls; Knitting Pipeline;