It's subtle, and I didn't notice it until I'd started up the leg. Did you catch it?
Yes, indeed! I worked the heel on the side (half instep/half sole) instead of just the sole. And I even know why I did that. It's because I automatically center the in-the-round join in the middle of the heel flap on Cuff Down socks, which is what I normally knit. Problem is, these are Toe-Up Socks (why? I don't know, I just felt like it). Also, I was turning the heel while chatting at our weekly Craft Night, so add in distracted and on autopilot and we have this week's recipe for a knitting boo-boo.
At 3AM when I discovered this I thought about ripping out the toe and redoing that instead of the heel (less stitches in toe), but ripping back from a cast on is always a major pain in the butt. I even considered (for just a second or two) leaving it as is on the chance my Mom might not notice, but decided even she'd likely notice a heel on her ankle bone. In the glaring light of day, however, I realize it's time to firmly grasp my knitting and dip my toe, or rather my heel, in the frog pond and RiiiiipIt.

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