"Woolgathering Socks" were started as stripey plain vanilla afterthought heel socks in Three Ewes Twisted in Fiber yarn. The first sock was finished (except for the heel) last month, and the second started. Along the way on the second sock, I read about Cat Bordhi's Sweet Tomato heel and couldn't wait to try it. So I did. Me likey! This is my first Sweet Tomato Heel:

Of course, this means my socks will be mismatched with two different heels, but who cares - they're heels
Modifications to original pattern: heel worked on 60% instead of 2/3rds(66%) of stitches; center heel sts 12 on 1st repeat, 10 on 2nd, & 16 on 3rd (no idea why I did that, but it worked).
On My Spindles:
I've been working on the Columbia fleece I started processing/spinning last year. This was slightly less than a pound of pre-washed fleece from two sheep that I acquired separately, so there's a difference in the fiber's texture & color. As of this morning when I finished spinning, I have thirteen bobbins of singles to ply tomorrow. That should be enough for two more skeins of 3ply.

Also started spinning the Manx Loughton I've been eyeing for six months. Its really wonderful fiber prep and lovely to spin. This will be a 2ply, and I'm spindle spinning semi-worsted.

Brought To Me By:
DVDs etc: True Blood S3.1-4; Buffy TVS S7.11-end; Moonlight S1.1-16; (guess I'm on a vamp role)
Pod/VideoCasts: The Knit Girllls; The Knitmore Girls; The Pagan Knitter; Round The Twist;
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