Cast on another pr of socks - this time trying Magic Loop - vanilla sock for me in Cables & Lace Lizard Toes "Gluttony" colorway, a really nice rich blue.

Still working on the Shetland Pi shawl, BBS for SFS, and socks for mom and me.
No finished knitting, possibly because...
On My Spindle
Spinning another bump of the Merino/Bamboo/Silk blend from Crown Mtn Farms, this time for Queenknit. I'm spinning semi-worsted from the fold (it's really slippery and that gives me better control) at about 40wpi which with a two-ply should give me a fingering weight yarn.
Cheviot sample for the Spindoctors Wool Breed Challenge. Spinning woolen, 3ply.
Chain plying the Purple Rain colorway of Falkland also from CMF, as well as finishing spinning the final third of the 8oz bump. This is also for the Wool Breeds Challenge.
Spinning cotton on drop spindle, or rather learning to spin cotton on spindle. I tried the tahkli but we didn't get along very well, so I switched to my 1oz Golding (ok, technically it's .95oz, but really). I can get really good spin speed on that spindle which is why it's currently in use on the Cheviot sample (woolen spinning). I'm planning on using the cotton I spin to tie skeins, until I get good enough to use as yarn.
Romney - continuing to comb the fleece and spin. First sample skein for the Challenge is done. Settled on spinning semi-woolen (woolen spun from combed prep), three-ply. The comb waste isn't too bad so I'm carding that, picking out the bad bits, and also spinning that woolen.

And yes, that's Miss Ginger to the right, giving me her 'why you taking picture of dat ting, take picture of me, I'm cuter' pose. And when I didn't, she snagged the skein and tried to pull it out of my hand, or maybe just bring it closer so she's in frame - dumb she ain't. ; )
Off My Spindle
Dorset Horn sample for the Challenge (see previous post) - 72 yards of two ply, semi-woolen spun. I saved a sample of unset singles as well as a piece of the original roving. I have a two ounce sample of raw Dorset Horn fleece to wash and prep, and I wanted something to compare it to. I don't think I'm going to touch the raw fleece samples I have (10 of them) until the Spring, though.
Corriedale from Fleece. I know I started carding this before the Wool Breeds Challenge started and I think I started spinning before too, so I'm withdrawing this from the Challenge. But anyway, it's done. From six ounces of pre-washed fleece I got about 268 yards of three-ply with wpi in the 10-13wpi range. It came out much nicer than I expected given how bumpy and neppy the carded prep was.

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