My sample is dark brown with a lot of gray kemp fibers. Some of the kemp strands were very long, long enough that I didn't recognize them as kemp in the beginning - I thought I was shedding. ;) I stopped pulling them out when I realized there were way too many (and too short) to be mine.
Although it is classified as a Down breed it is not dense and springy like both the Dorset Horn and Cheviot samples were (or perhaps more accurately I should say not as dense or springy). It has a silky softness as compared to a squishy softness.
The Welsh Mtn sample was a pleasure to spin. It appears to be top (strands were a little messy but pretty much aligned) and drafted easily long draw from the end into thin singles. It had a staple length of about four inches, give or take. I spun two sample skeins from this: a very small two-ply and a slightly larger four-ply. I liked the texture of both, but I prefer the four-ply. Welsh Mountain is another breed that I would definitely like to spin again.
Bottom: four-ply sample; Middle Right: two-ply sample; Middle Left: singles; Top: roving/top sample. The two-ply and singles have not been set; the four-ply was.

This closeup clearly shows all the (mostly shorter) gray kemp fibers which add a light reflecting quality to the yarn:

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