Wow! I can't believe how quickly April went. Seems like it just started last week and already it's May.
I finished adding the feet to a pair of OD (Olive Drab) socks for Socks For Soldiers. The fourteen inch legs were knit on a Circular Sock Machine by Marolyn. Team knitting the socks this way saves hand knitters like me a good deal of time and effort (and seriously - fourteen inches of ribbing is mind numbingly tedious so I really appreciate the CSM knit legs).
I also finished my second tan regulation beanie for Socks For Soldiers. Both hats, two pair of regulation socks and two pair of leisure socks were sent out to Kim early in the month.
For my next box of hats and socks for Kim I've completed a leisure hat and started a regulation hat and a pair of leisure men's socks. Here's the finished leisure hat:

I expect I'll have Bob's Socks and the May Day project finished within the first week of May, and then I'm hoping to have the Charlotte Bronte Shawl, the Owlie Socks and some more SFS hats and socks done by the end of May. I'm participating in this year's 5k Stash Dash this Summer so I'll be waiting until Stash Dash started to finish a bunch of knitting and spinning WIPs. Yay for stash busting!