December 13, 2013

Rabbits From Hats

Anyone remember that old Rocky and Bullwinkle sketch where Bullwinkle tries to pull a rabbit out of a hat and gets a lion instead? Well, that's kinda what I'm trying to do except for me it's Finished Objects I'm trying to pull out of my hat. A hat that will disintegrate in twelve days.


I've got the first of two Holiday Stockings on the needles. Using a combination of recently purchased and vintage stash yarn to make modified versions of the "A NEW Family Portrait - A Collection of Three Christmas Stockings" pattern by Dorene Delaney Giordano.

Also working on the Mystery Knitting project. And some cat toys. And some more WarmUp America squares. And, of course, socks. And....

Yikes! Where's the TARDIS when you need it?


Finished three more squares for WarmUp America. The "joining" party is January 25th, and I'm hoping to have a full blanket's worth of squares (ok, I know, they're technically rectangles not squares) completed by then. That would be forty-nine squares; I've completed twelve so far.

The Surprise Mittens and the Wild Blueberry Socks are finished, but no pictures until after their recipient receives them. The socks were finished yesterday and the mittens a few days ago.